Berrod Armstrong

Berrod Armstrong

Berrod Armstrong is a repatriated Ala Mhigan highlander with partial ownership of a Free Company that operates out of both Thanalan and Gyr Abania.Prior to his association with the Free Company, his day to day life consisted of seeking means of survival in post-Calamity Eorzea. As a student of a survivor of the old Fist of Rhalgr, he trained and lived as a monk for most of his life. It led him to serve the new Fist of Rhalgr under Widargelt Beake for a short time.After a troubling injury affected his capacity to perform as a monk, he took up a blade and shield to keep his oaths to Rhalgr and his people in his own way. He has recovered from the injury since then, and hones his craft of both blade and fist. Berrod currently resides in the residential quarter of Ala Mhigo with his housemates and family.


Berrod Armstrong Full Body

Aspects That Stand Out At A Glance:■ His hair. It's dark red, and composed of several locs that spill down around his shoulders. The locs at the back are pulled and tied into a tail. His jaw is covered in a short, thick beard.■ He's rather large -- on the bigger side for highlanders, though not exactly the largest there is.■ He's usually quite solemn-faced. Smiles are rare, but genuine.■ There are always prayer beads somewhere on his person; on his arm, neck, or hanging from his waist.■ More often than not he's sporting some bruise or injury -- either from training or actual battle.

Berrod Armstrong Head

Berrod is a tall and solidly built Highlander male who reaches a proud height of six fulms and seven ilms. His body is at its physical peak, wrapped in two hundred and eighty-nine ponz of bulky, well-worked muscle. His most distinguishable feature is the shock of red hair on his head.

Dark green eyes peer from behind an oft-folded brow, the prelude to a rather roughly handsome face accented with a neatly trimmed red beard about his rather angular jaw. His name tells no lies, both the Highlander's arms are powerfully muscled and rather large, with moderate vascularity and a ruddy dusting of hair along his corded forearms. They end in big calloused hands with scarred knuckles -- a testament to both hard labor and training. He proudly sports a wide chest (also red-swept with hair), a broad back and a well-developed core that tapers slightly at the waist before expanding into sturdy thighs and calves. While the intricacies of his form are usually obscured by his armour, Berrod's big frame is enough to go by.

Berrod In Game Appearance
Berrod Armstrong Headshot Art


While fighting to survive in Pearl Lane and the streets of Ul'Dah, Berrod had developed a rather crude, rough, violent and short-tempered personality. The man was as easily pleased as he was angered, however, and found enjoyment in simple things like sharing a meal with friends.When in a good mood, Berrod was often crudely flirtatious and prone to levity, known for his loud and scandalous barks of laughter. As anger took over he was quick to resort to violence, no matter how imposing his target was. The Highlander was no stranger to obscene language and had no qualms about belting out profanity -- regardless of who was around.Later on, once he had extracted himself from the street situation, Berrod came across as a serious no-nonsense fellow, though he had his rare moments of levity and other juvenile pursuits. Where his temper was once short and his reactions overt, he gained a tendency to hide most of his reactions behind a solid wall of solemn regard. The wall was not permanent, and fell in private company.Since then his personality has balanced somewhat. While there is a definite serious side to his dealings, one can easily identify the man's history of street dealing through his speech, and odd lapses. He does his best to help those who come to him in need with patience and due consideration. While it may not always be apparent, he is a deeply religious man -- even when he slips, one would not hear him take Rhalgr's name in vain.Berrod is a persistent and hardworking individual, willing to do what it takes to achieve a goal. This manifests in his tendency to work long hours at whatever job he finds as well as train incessantly until he is satisfied with his level of progress.

Berrod Personality Screenshot

■ Meditation. Berrod enjoys the quiet diligence of meditation; it is where he does most of his thinking, and the source of most of his insight.
■ Training. The man cannot get enough of hard training and sparring; he's always up for a fight -- preferably a friendly one.

■ Obnoxious Arrogance. Berrod tends to despise people who seem to think that they're better than others without proving so first - he has sometimes proven himself to be a bit of a hypocrite in this regard.
■ Sweets. He hates sweets! They disgust him, they make him sick - and thirsty. The taste is awful!

■ Prospecting. Berrod has taken a liking to prospecting and appraising bits of ore and raw gems to make guesses at their value. He's usually rather accurate.
■ Groundskeeping. Keeping a yard nice and clean, making sure a building is scrubbed and presentable -- those tasks put the Highlander at peace.

Sarij Rahzersyn

Sarij Rahzersyn
"The deep green sea."
Sarij Rahzersyn , who Berrod affectionately refers to as 'Flowers', is a Sea Wolf who was once a guest at one of Berrod's former places of employment. Berrod befriended Sarij during his stay, and remained his friend ever since -- even through periods when Sarij had been called out to sea for moons at a time. The two had shared a bed on more than one occasion, and have since joined hands in bonding.Their relationship is simple, yet fulfilling. Neither of the men can be carded as romantic, and their relationship often flies over the heads of those they meet. Berrod undeniably holds Sarij dearly in his heart, however. Currently the pair share a home in the residential quarter in Ala Mhigo.In addition to living together, Berrod and Sarij are business partners and run a Free Company together. Berrod handles the operational side of things, and Sarij handles most of the politics and paperwork. These roles mix and match at times depending on what is needed.

Viktor Harlenk
A'ken Tia

A'ken Tia
"...young, strong an' full of heart."
Ken approached Berrod after a celebration of Rhalgr's moon, inquiring about both the destroyer and the religious order that served him. The energetic Miqo'te asked Berrod to teach him the Fist of Rhalgr's ways, and after some deliberation, the monk agreed. From there, Ken began his training -- a series of lessons that were meant to develop mind, body and spirit.Ken's hard work bore fruit as he saw himself become a full fledged Fist of Rhalgr -- he even crafted his own habit and received a soul crystal. Still, even that only marked a beginning for him.Berrod no longer trains him, given his own new path, but he wishes the young man all the best.

Ken and Berrod train.
Aldin Drauniir

Aldin Drauniir
"...unusual fella, I won't lie -- but he's a kinsman from across the wall, so he's got my respect."
Meeting Aldin opened up as an awkward affair, given that the man had his eyes covered while Berrod ambled up to ask him if he had seen someone. Nevertheless, the pair got to talking and found Gyr Abanian heritage in common. Aldin's prominent canines, somewhat wild nature and his ability to remember scents struck Berrod as unique among Hyur, but he regarded the man with respect regardless.
Berrod enthusiastically offered himself as a friend and brother, as he often did to those he considered kinsmen. From there Aldin opened up just a bit to him, and reinforced Berrod's view that there were still people across the wall he needed to protect. Those who could not protect themselves -- and even those who could.

Berrod and Aldin
Alistair Greywolf

Alistair Greywolf
"He's someone I can rely on. Won't mix matters there."
Berrod and Alistair have had a tumultuous relationship, ranging from being lovers to being enemies at one point. They began as friends, then tensions developed when Berrod tried a bit too hard to indoctrinate Alistair into the Fist of Rhalgr. From friends, to lovers, to enemies, to friends, and to lovers again -- so it went.Now they have settled into comfortable intimacy. Things grew complicated and heated at times due to their very nature, but now they have settled into comfortable and affectionate intimacy -- with the occasional squabble here and there.Their relationship is also a professional one -- Berrod doesn't hesitate to utilize Al's skills to further the ends of both the company and the greater good of Eorzea.

Viktor Harlenk
Autgar Bloode

Autgar Bloode
"He's a lil' strange, but as good as a friend could get. It's sickenin' sometimes. I don't really know anybody who dislikes 'im. Scary though, just a lil' bit. Strong, too."
Berrod encountered Autgar through a chance meeting with members of the Blue Sky Ventures Free Company. Curious about the man's strength, he purchased a fight from him through an auction and was subsequently demolished. That fight led to the kindling of a friendship, which gave way to training the Highlander in the ways of the Fist. Though Berrod is no longer in the order, he and Autgar still work together to strive for the same goals.

Viktor Harlenk

Avenio Naemig
"He's been around since everythin' started turnin' around. I'll always have his back."
Berrod met Avenio during his stint at a hot spring resort that doubled as an adventuring company. The blond highlander was partnered with the resort's owner, and the target of quite a bit of jealousy on Berrod's part.As they embarked on adventures and endured many trials the two became friends and a formidable combination on the battlefield. As the years went by Avenio drifted in and out of Berrod's life, though with every return he was welcomed as a friend. Despite Berrod's insistence that Avenio stick around, the mercenary opted to stay away to spare Berrod the hardships involved with dealing with his enemies.With said enemies now a thing of the past, Avenio has finally decided to stay a while -- much to Berrod's delight.

Avenio and Berrod talk
Aya Foxheart

Aya Foxheart
"Ray o'sunshine-- an I mean that in the best way!"
Berrod was introduced to the Quicksand waitress during one of his many visits there, and was instantly captivated by her beauty and upbeat nature. Though their encounters were few and far between, he enjoyed every interaction with her. Some time has passed since her last visit, and so he hopes to keep in closer contact and see her more often.

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Balthius Stark

Balthius Stark
"A man with potential -- just needs some direction and a bit of a push."
Berrod met Balthius through company matters, and the two became friends -- eventually, Balthius sought Berrod's teachings, and the two developed a student-teacher relationship atop the existing friendship. Berrod believes that Balthius is a man rife with potential, he simply needs to find his focus and apply it.

Viktor Harlenk
Beexu Spiritbreaker

Beexu Spiritbreaker
" Wild spark, that one."
Berrod was introduced to Beexu when she joined his Free Company, and has worked with her several times in the field. The Highlander enjoys her spunky, wild and independent nature, and has a particular admiration for her insight regarding the more subtle disciplines of martial arts. He sees in her a rival for his students, and more importantly, a friend.

C'lai Nunh

C'lai Nunh
"I call 'im the Aetherfury. Fight 'im and find out why."
Berrod first encountered C'lai in Western Thanalan, where the aetherically proficient fist fighter challenged him to a duel. After an intense bout, the Highlander emerged victorious. It was the beginning of a fierce rivalry that has resulted in a string of high-powered battles. After each one, the two grow to understand each other a little more. Berrod shamelessly calls the man a friend.

Viktor Harlenk
Cerina Borlaaq

Cerina Borlaaq
"She deals in both common sense an' death."
A veteran of their Free Company alongside Berrod, Cerina has braved through many trials. Berrod values her keen judgement and insight, and often applies her counsel to his decisions, whether he agrees entirely with them or not. While awkward during simple interactions, he considers her a friend and would very easily trust her with his life.

Dastev Enoch

Dastev Enoch
"Weird, loud, laughs a lot. I think he took one too many hits in the head on one of his adventures, but hells, he's nice enough."
An eccentric adventurer with brilliant green hair who claims to be from the Western Continent. While not the first person Berrod has met from the New World, he's certainly proven to be the most colourful. Berrod has a cautious appreciation for his love of battle and martial prowess, and appreciates the man's upbeat nature -- as overwhelming as it can be at times.

Berrod speaks to Dastev
Dondubhan Kelly

Dondubhan Kelly
"You should see the man dance. Puts me to shame."
Berrod met the talented performer during an evening of provocative performances. After a few moons they met again in the Silver Bazaar, and struck up a very easygoing friendship. Berrod also feels just a tiny pang of jealousy anytime the man talks about his parents, yet is always thrilled to hear about what such a family life is like.

Viktor Harlenk
Enqdai Hotgo

Enqdai Hotgo
"He's a massive bastard, worked with us for a short stint. Whoever he works for now has a strong fighter on their side. "
Enqdai worked at the Astral Agency for a short time, then moved on to other things. Berrod met him again at the Dark Horse Salon, and was glad to see that he was doing well. Berrod was very glad of the Xaela's large frame, which he used to conceal his reactions to another patron's words.

At the Dark Horse Saloon
Edana Gundyr

Evening Fist
"A mystery, if I'm gonna be honest -- but a friendly one, so it ain't a issue."
As with most of his friends, Berrod's meeting with Evening was a matter of chance. Since then, he and the Far Eastern Roegadyn have developed a friendship and casual rivalry based on deep, mutual respect. Granted, so far Berrod has yet to match up to Evening's skill with a blade.

Flora Valerian

Flora Valerian
"...more devout than most other monks I've met. Still in need o'some balance, though."
A very young ascetic monk who hailed from Gyr Abania, Flora impressed Berrod with her devotion to the religious and philosophical aspects of monkhood. He has since then resolved to aid her development however he can, all the while learning from her steadfast determination to live well enough for the Destroyer.

Viktor Harlenk
Flora Valerian

"...decent enough fella. He's travellin' and markin' down what he learns in a book he's got."
A member of the Buduga tribe who hails from the Azim Steppe, Flyn met Berrod in Pearl Lane, of all places, while consulting his notebook. Berrod decided him to warn him of the potential dangers of letting his guard down in the back alleys of Ul'Dah. From that, conversation began.Flyn is the first member of the Buduga tribe that Berrod has encountered, and though he slightly misunderstood what the tribe's culture entailed, he did not let that stop him from befriending the Xaela. He offered his insight on the refugee situation in Ul'Dah and Little Ala Mhigo, and got some tidbits of Xaela culture in exchange.

Berrod meets Flyn.
Gregos Horner

Gregos Horner
"There's a lotta people tryin' to reconnect with what they got torn from long ago. He's one of 'em."
Gregos and Berrod met in the Ala Mhigan quarter, where the blue-haired Highlander was exploring while trying to find some connection to his roots. Though Berrod was a bit -- judgemental of the man at first, he offered him a tour of the Quarter, and during that tour he came to understand him a bit better.Some time later they met up at the Saltery -- Gregos was doing what he could to aid the area, something which gained both Berrod's attention and quiet approval. The pair decided to have a spar -- one that turned out to be both enjoyable and informative. It was then that Berrod decided that the other Highlander would be counted as a brother.

Berrod and Gregos spar
Geofri Steeleyes

Geofri Steeleyes
"...owns a shop. Sells an' repairs magitek stuff. All over my head, but it's still handy."
Geofri Steeleyes introduced himself to Berrod as a magitek specialist looking for connections -- including ones with the Astral Advent free company. Geofri did not disappoint; his expertise and innovation has since chased many leads and cracked many a case for the Advent -- including the provision of a well-stocked grill during a beach cookout.

Geofri In Steel Hawke
Giles Leigh

Iex Amov
"He's actually the first Hrothgar fella I had a full conversation with. Interestin' sort of fellow."
Berrod chanced a meeting with Iex one night during the Grindstone, when the Hrothgar had come across the tournament wondering if it was a religious congregation. From there the two got to talking, and began exchanging knowledge and insight into each other's respective cultures.Over the course of a few weeks they found out that they had as much in common as they did differences -- though most of their common ground revolved around their disdain for the Garlean Empire. After sharing much conversatoinal ground on the matter of home and culture, Iex invited Berrod to witness a very personal rite, something which Berrod considered quite an honor and a solid mark of friendship.Their burgeoning friendship led to Iex becoming a roommate of sorts at Berrod's home in the Ala Mhigan quarter. Through time and trials the two have come to care for each other deeply.

Viktor Harlenk
Kayah Whalaqee

Kayah Whalaqee
"Young, without a trace o'fear. I dunno what that means for common sense, but the girl's capable as all hells."
Berrod's meeting with the travelling youth from the West came by way of a small spot of adventure in the peaks of Gyr Abania. He came upon her being attacked by a trio of tempered Ananta, and rushed to aid her -- as was his creed. The pair managed to fight the attackers off, though Berrod hardly considered it a rescue given how capable Kayah seemed on her own. Still, three against one hadn't been fair.Following that, he learned of her intent to travel to Ala Mhigo, which he assisted in part by escorting her to Ala Ghiri. Once in the safety of its walls, the pair talked and got to know each other a bit. Berrod found her intriguing, given both her bravery and skills at such a young age. Swallowing his protective instincts, he bid her a safe journey to Gyr Abania, and looked forward to meeting her again.

Berrod and Kayah
Lawrence Samuelson

Lawrence Samuelson
"Rugged fella. Smooth too, in a way. Interestin' -- probably an adventurer, probably jus' a soul in the wind."
Berrod met Lawrence while hiding out and reminiscing at Camp Bronze lake. The Highlanders shared a table and drank a bit -- whiskey for Lawrence, apple juice for Berrod -- while getting acquainted.Berrod found the man easy to talk to, and was a bit relieved that he didn't need to put on many airs or pretenses around him. As a result, Lawrence was made privy to some of Berrod's less than savory dealings over the years.

Berrod meets Lawrence.
Maral Goro

Maral Goro
"All kinds o'weird, an' all kinds o'loud, but not a bad fella by any stretch."
Berrod met Maral during a...memorable exchange in the Quicksand, and then again moons down the line at the Dark Horse saloon. He's taking a liking to playfully teasing the rather energetic young man, but ultimately means him no harm. Maral seems to come from a world he absolutely does not understand, but he holds no prejudice against him despite how...completely strange some of it sounds.

At the Dark Horse Saloon.
Martin Adler

Martin Adler
"He's a fellow Ala Mhigan, an' a monk besides. Anyone who says otherwise can take it up with me. Or Autgar, I guess..."
Martin Adler wass a soldier in the resistance who came into Berrod's acquaintance by way of the events and aftermath of the Gyr Abanian liberation campaign. Berrod appreciated for the man's somewhat wild, free nature -- despite being within ranks. Despite the man's history involving half-Garlean birth and a career in the Crania Lupi, he supports his efforts to move forward as a free man in a free nation -- particularly by atoning through service to the country and people as a Fist of Rhalgr.

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Miden Rouge

Miden Rouge
"He remembered my order after a couple moons o'me not bein' at his bar! Hells, I gotta go there more often now!"
Miden Rouge, one of the owners of the Dark Horse Saloon, impressed Berrod with both good food and a keen memory. He bonded with the other hyur on the premise of their red hair, and very quickly decided to make himself a somewhat regular patron of their establishment.

At the Dark Horse Saloon.
Milo North

Milo North
"Wild, that one. Good in a fight, knows what he's about. Don't call him Brother for nothing..."
After a chance meeting out in Thanalan, Milo and Berrod became friends -- and through that, brothers and rivals. Though they only see one another every once in a while, each meeting goes as if their parting had been but a day before.

Milo and Berrod at the Quicksand
N'hara Greywolf

N'hara Greywolf
"He's workin' hard for what he wants, and I respect that."
N'hara impressed Berrod during a spar out in Eastern Thanalan, which convinced the Highlander to take the Seeker on as a student. Berrod remains impressed by N'hara's perseverance and versatility, and has no doubts about how far the Miqo'te will go in all his pursued arts.

Viktor Harlenk
Ojene Suinuet

Ojene Suinuet
"Ala Mhigan. Resistance. Maelstrom. It's a strange combination, but she knows exactly what she's about."
Berrod met with the Maelstrom Legalman in Limsa Lominsa; the pair got to talking about training for her Levy -- and from their their relationship began. While Ojene was not an everyday face in Berrod's life, he was always pleased to see her at Ala Mhigan events, such as the market night -- or even in the Ala Mhigan offices of his free company.Ojene strikes Berrod as the kind of person who he can always trust to strive for the right thing, even though that may prove inconvenient or embarrassing to him at times.

Ojene and Berrod in the Menagerie
Orion Llewelyn

Orion Llewelyn
"Don't matter that he's on the smaller side. The bastard can climb like nothin' else, and can hold his own in a fight."
Berrod chanced a meeting with Orion while resting at Fesca's wash. After witnessing the man's climbing skills he was prompted to start a conversation and introduce himself. From there he found out that the man was a treasure hunter, and immediately sought out his acquaintance. After a bit of conversation Orion demonstrated his skill in combat, and left the Highlander both impressed and looking forward to working with him.

Viktor Harlenk
Osric Melkire

Osric Melkire
"Salt and sand is what comes to mind. He's a good man recoverin' from bein' a bad one, and I can respect that -- especially since he's got a family. He's strong, too. Just needs a reminder that there'll always be stronger, and that's alright."
Osric is a man Berrod would trust with his life and then some. He often speaks highly of the Midlander and refers to him as an example to others. Even with Berrod as his teacher, the pair cultivated a small rivalry, especially during spars and other contests. Nevertheless, it was usually friendly and almost always constructive. Since then, Berrod has grown to consider a man an equal in skill -- even if he hasn't voiced it as often as he should.

Viktor Harlenk
Subtle Raptor

Subtle Raptor
"Weird as all hells, but there ain't no harm in it."
Berrod has only peripheral acquaintance with Raptor, this cannot proclaim to know her well. He finds her demeanour rather eccentric, though he admits it to be amusing.

Reks Blanc

Reks Blanc
"If there's a man to soothe yer hurts, it's him."
Reks served Berrod's Free Company as a healer both in house and out on the field. His work earned him a place among the most senior healers in the ranks.Berrod frequently sings Reks' praises as a veteran member of the company and a formidable force on the field. The Seeker's loyalty and dedication to his craft has not gone unnoticed, as Berrod hopes to repay it in kind.

Having a pint with Rylen
Rylen Ashworth

Rylen Ashworth
*"Easy man to talk to, I think. Looks relaxed. I'd kill to be able to at least pretend to be that laid back." *
Berrod met Rylen in passing on a few occasions during the Gyr Abanian Gauntlet and the Levinfist Tournament. It so happened that he met the man in Ala Mhigo one day and they sat and had a drink alongside some conversation.Berrod found the man easy to talk to, and offered his views on current events -- including some more personal and perhaps controversial ones.

Having a pint with Rylen
Sergei Harlenk

Sergei Harlenk
"If there's something you wanna know about magic, I reckon he's the man you'll wanna go see."
A mage of many talents, Sergei's knowledge of spellcraft very often goes above poor Berrod's head. Nevertheless, Berrod trusts the man to handle things in his area of expertise, and has more than once praised him for his work on warding their company headquarters. Outside of that, Berrod finds his balance between his magical and physical prowess impressive.

Shaka Sandwalker

Shaka Sandwalker
"A man concerned with power, an' being on the winnin' side. Some of the things he says ring true, but after the life he's lived, it's hard to believe in 'im."
An old monk with fists drenched in blood, Berrod unknowingly participated in a sparring tournament against Shaka to give the attendees of a fighting event a good show. Some time later, he found himself at odds with the powerful and resourceful man. By Sandwalkers own admission he wishes to strengthen the flock, but Berrod believes it will cost a part of them that he is unwilling to have them lose.

Berrod meets with Shaka.
Shizu Moshroca

Shizu Moshroca
"She helped out when she didn't have to, an' I'll always owe her for that."
Berrod came to know Shizu during his troubles with Gunnar Bloodblade. Though the two butted heads at one point, he came to appreciate her willingness to assist others without expecting anything in return. He also respected her wish for the different manners of monks to get together and talk -- though to him that bit is perhaps generations in the making. All things considered, he regards her as a friend.

Viktor Harlenk
Soshin Sinner

Soshin Sinner
"I don't really know 'im well, but he seems strong."
Berrod has only encountered Sinner a few times in passing, but has observed him to be a very capable fighter. It has earned the Au Ra a measure of his respect.

Soshin Sinner

Swozbhar Rymmskyfsyn
"I can always get along with a friendly Sea Wolf who can kick my arse."
Swozbhar and Berrod faced each other in a round at the Grindstone tournament. Berrod was forced to hit particularly hard to have any affect against the large man's armour, though he ended up being victorious. The Sea Wolf's affable nature and show of skill in battle has prompted Berrod to look out for and hail him whenever he can.

Val Covington

Val Covington
"You mess with him, you mess with me."
Val met Berrod on bad terms, but through fighting the two gained a mutual respect for one another that has since then become friendship. Until a recently Berrod had not heard from Val in some time. He often speaks of the Miqo'te almost fondly.

Viktor Harlenk
Viktor Harlenk

Viktor Harlenk
"He's a man who'd dance in a party, then show his stuff on the battlefield. His hair's strange, but I got used to it. If it's a good friend you're lookin' for, then look in his direction."
Berrod met a drunken Viktor in the Quicksand of all places, drinking his gil away in what seemed like the latest in a string of bad decisions. The Highlander decided to take the other back to the Agent Company house so that he could sleep safely. From there, he offered the man a job, and a professional relationship developed alongside an ever evolving friendship. Viktor is one of his favourite people to attend dances and parties with. The man's ability to have a good time anywhere is often a source of relief, and happiness.

Viktor Harlenk
Vtorak Adeanna

Vtorak Adeanna
"Boisterous an' enthusiastic, with a strong body an' a good soul."
Berrod first met Vtorak while he and Iex rested at the Coffer and Coffin after a quick loss at the Grindstone fighting tournament. The golden Hrothgar joined them, and they spoke of many things, including Ala Mhigo. They continued to meet with him after every Grindstone since, even if it was just to say hello. Eventually Vtorak expressed an interest in sparring directly, an interest that Berrod returned with gusto.

Sparring with Vtorak
Zackarie Gaeleron

Zackarie Galeron
"Sorta odd, but a decent fella. Real knowledgeable about the stuff he does, too."
Berrod first encountered Zackarie at the Silver Bazaar in Western Thanalan, where the Miqo'te was making sure a passed out drunk was in no real danger. Berrod had just finished a rather taxing round of leves in the area, and struck up a conversation. He found Zackarie easy and enjoyable to talk to, and was very interested in hearing about the art of dance he employed -- even if he couldn't hope to pronounce the name.

Viktor Harlenk


For any event that requires the presence of Rhalgr's Faithful, Berrod offers his services. He can provide prayer, conduct rites, and preach as necessary. Usually he defers to the involvement of the Fist of Rhalgr, but if none are available he is more than happy to serve in a supporting capacity. He does not request compensation from the organizers -- though he'd not turn down food and drink!

Viktor Harlenk


To protect the people of Gyr Abania, especially those who cannot protect themselves -- with this creed in mind Berrod offers his skills freely to Gyr Abanian nationals, whether it be escort missions, a village watch, healing the injured, or culling dangerous creatures on the roads.

Viktor Harlenk


Richness in mind, body and spirit -- these are among the things anyone should seek to achieve. In that spirit, Berrod offers his ear and his counsel to those who need someone to talk to, or some help in finding a way forward. As rough around the edges as he may seem, Berrod possesses keen insight that he uses to help put the woes of his fellow man at ease.

Viktor Harlenk
Viktor Harlenk


Though he's no longer a Fist of Rhalgr, the hand to hand skills he'd honed over the years didn't just disappear. Berrod is a certified trainer in the Pugilist's guild. He takes on students for one-on-one training, and teaches a small class on the art on Darksday mornings.


If there's a need for a bodyguard or an escort, Berrod offers his services at a reasonable price. He tends to be somewhat discerning about which jobs he takes along those lines -- tasks that are meant to bully or enact violence on undeserving innocents are an automatic no. Debt collection jobs depend on the employer and their cause.

Viktor Harlenk
Viktor Harlenk


Berrod is a skilled and somewhat accomplished miner who runs a very small mining business on the side. He is affiliated with the Miner's Guild of Ul'Dah, as well as the quarrymen of Ala Gannha. He has stocks of ore and gems on sale for competitive prices, and will also set out to source materials on request. His services see a high satisfaction rate that he advertises frequently and proudly.


Though it is one of his lesser advertised skills, Berrod is adept with the tools of a blacksmith and goldsmith -- though the former mostly includes smelting metals. It is in the latter where he shines, capable of crafting intricate and sturdy pieces. His eye for gems is impeccable, his skill with cutting them just so. Though his prices are quite competitive, his goldsmithing services are quite more expensive than the rest.

Viktor Harlenk

Some of these screenshots feature Berrod's old design and they will be updated/replaced as time goes on!


This section contains a collection of stories written about Berrod. Most of the links lead off this carrd to the story posts on Tumblr.

An Oath in Crystal

An Oath In Crystal


This section contains a collection of in-character writing done by Berrod. Most, if not all of it is available at Rhalgr's Reach, or from Berrod himself.

OOC Note: Please understand that these writings are extrapolations on existing lore, and based on my own character’s studies and experience. If lore is released that forces adjustments, I’ll be more than happy to do so, but in the meantime, I’ll play in the sandbox that was provided. That being said, if you feel the need to…attack me or my writing over this – please reconsider. I assure you, that time and energy will be better spent leaving me the hell alone. Thanks for understanding! For those who enjoy this, thanks for reading!

Viktor Harlenk

“With this blade, with this shield, with my flesh, blood, bone and soul, I will protect my friends, my loved ones, and the people of Gyr Abania who cannot protect themselves. I do so in the name of the Destroyer, as a Paladin of Rhalgr.”So goes the oath of a Paladin of Rhalgr. This oath becomes the conduit of the Paladin’s power, the focal point through which many of their abilities are amplified and exercised. Many of these abilities require a strong body, a sound mind and a steady soul. At the same time, the Paladin must be able to endure the relentless onslaught of foes if needed. The demand placed upon them is by no means a small one.This is where the Paladin’s faith proves to be the connection between oath and action. The belief in the Destroyer and His will is declared in word, deed, or both. It can be a spoken prayer, a gesture, or simply a presentation of sigils or geometry upon one’s garments and attire -- though the first two tend to be more effective in conveying faith. The Paladin acknowledges that everything they do through their oath, they do in accordance with Rhalgr’s will. This belief interacts with both the crystal and the oath itself and provides a holy strength and fervor that prepares them to push past their physical and spiritual limits.Such holy resolve, however, is often noticed by many who would harm those under a Paladin’s charge. It may mean that every swing of the sword and bash of the shield will incur more ire, more violence. This is a favourable result, for if a foe wishes to do harm to Rhalgr’s faithful, it is the Paladin they must answer to.Naturally this is not something anyone can simply pick up and do. It requires a great deal of physical and spiritual training -- as well as the faith to see it through.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Paladin of Rhalgr.

OOC Note: Please understand that these writings are extrapolations on existing lore, and based on my own character’s studies and experience. If lore is released that forces adjustments, I’ll be more than happy to do so, but in the meantime, I’ll play in the sandbox that was provided. That being said, if you feel the need to…attack me or my writing over this – please reconsider. I assure you, that time and energy will be better spent leaving me the hell alone. Thanks for understanding! For those who enjoy this, thanks for reading!



Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the First Light: Survival.The First Light. It is survival made flesh, one’s right to be, one’s longing to live, and one’s urge to continue one’s existence. It will not stand for threats against one’s well being, and will always respond more quickly to a mind and spirit set along the same path. Earth is the element within which it is steeped, and from it one may attain its strength, endurance, and indomitability.Nestled at the base of the spine, it is the foundation upon which one’s power is built; one who has not mastered the First Light will not be as effective with their other seats of power as one who has. It is the strongest connection to the world, and the seat of power through which the worldly energy given to one’s spirit flows. None is wasted lest one bid it released, and doing so makes necessary a period of recovery and meditation.Red is its color, bold as blood, for it is what it seeks to protect; what it covets to flow within one’s own veins and will not allow to spill without severe jealousy.Thus wrote Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the First Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Second Light: Desire.The Second Light. There lies all the bodily desires of man, mainly of food, drink and the flesh. It works in tandem with the First light; for in order to survive, one must eat. One must drink. One must procreate. The basic will to live on feeds into the desire to do what is necessary, and so does the desire feed back into that will. The Second Chakra is the fulcrum upon which the Third and the First are balanced. Seated just below and behind the navel, it is beholden to no element, steeped in potent and unaspected aether.The Second responds well to a mind in one of two opposing states: Indulgence or abstinence. Indulging in the desires of the flesh excites and pleases it. In anticipation and preparation, it stores aether to be unleashed when one requires stamina and drive. Similarly, abstinence prompts it to conserve and stay ready, storing aether until a moment when it can hold no more and stands ready to be released at need.The power in this chakra lies in the control of its release. One may flood oneself with aether, but the purpose to which that aether is spent – that is key. Given that the chakra can provide stamina and promote restoration, one may find oneself with a second wind after near exhaustion. Extensive training leads to greater control, to a point of mastery where one may heal one’s own wounds at a rate the naked eye can see.Orange is its color, mixed of red and yellow. Worldly energy flows up from the First to the Second. There lies where the spirit keeps and molds it, until such a time when it is called. Such is the Second Light.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Second Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Third Light: Will.The Third Light. It is ambition. It is drive. The font of man’s conscious and subconscious will, the Third Light responds to the need to assert oneself. It will always answer to one who is assured of one’s wants, especially if one is prepared to do what it takes to see them realized. Lightning is the element with which it strikes, and it is potent indeed.Situated at the solar plexus, it is at an ideal location for power to flow to all parts of the body evenly when called upon. It holds the strongest connection to the self, and anchors all other chakras to who one is. Similarly, it imposes one’s will upon all other open chakras, so that one with an open Third finds oneself in better conscious control of whichever others have been opened.Given its base in one’s will, its power is drawn directly from the spirit, augmented with a lightning aspect that can be used throughout the body. The stronger one’s will, the more purposed the aether, and the more powerful the augmentation. At the basic level it grants a heightened state whereby which one’s limbs are activated into quickness and strength. The longer one remains in this state, the stronger it becomes. The strong willed who practice the art of Pugilism may experience a form of this. A master of this chakra may call lightning itself to wreath about their form, putting it to quick and destructive use.Yellow is its color, and so does it mix with the red of the First to form the orange of the Second. Upward does it also flow to mix into the chakra above it, for without will, the rest are aimless. Wherever there is a need, there is a want, and wherever there is a want, there is will. Whenever there is a will, the Third Light will serve.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Third Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Fourth Light: Passion.The Fourth Light Chakra. Therein lies passion, compassion, and the ability to relate to others. It is the central point of the chakras, fed from the will below and expressed through the throat above. It will answer to one whose passion stirs, and is capable of providing terrifying levels of power. It burns in fierce fire, and can bring about awesome destruction.In the middle of the chest, the Fourth Light lies at the midpoint of the First and the Seventh of its aspect. Once kindled with passion, it burns brightly until one wills it to stop, or until one’s very life is extinguished. It is a chakra that provides power without any sort of initial control, and it is in that vein that it is one of the most dangerous to the self. The power must flow and be put to use, lest the user be consumed from within by its flames. Yet, this flow must be consciously regulated and controlled as it is utilized, so that the body is not damaged in the process. Extensive training is required – and it is not training that one is guaranteed to survive.Green is its color, mixed from the yellow fed from the Third and the blue from the Fifth through which it speaks. Will kindles passion. Passion is best expressed. To let it sit within is folly. Through control of the Fourth, the Fifth and Sixth become easier to sway.Beware of love; for it kindles the Fourth to burn its fiercest, thereby draining one of one’s life energy at a rapid rate. Balance must be found in utilizing and curbing one’s passion. Once it is harnessed, however, one can show the world the meaning of destruction.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr , regarding the Fourth Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Fifth Light: Expression.The Fifth Light. It is the gateway of one’s expression, the outlet through which one’s heart and soul may relate one’s intent. Through it, one can declare what the Sixth Light has seen. It will answer to the will and desire to express oneself, but not lightly. Desire, Will, and Passion all feed into its control. Unlike the Fourth below it, it does not specialize in raw power.The Fifth Light is seated in middle of the throat. Once Desire, Will, Passion or Wisdom have been gathered to it, the Fifth takes them and transforms them into expression. As the mouth speaks, so does the Fifth Light release aether to affect the hearts and souls of those around it. This is usually best achieved using studied and practiced mantras; chants that can rouse a man’s spirit or open a group to swifter recovery.Blue is its color, deeply steeped in the voice’s Wind. As a potential centre of wind-aspected aether in the body, the Fifth Light can also be harnessed in movement.With proper control of the flow, one may utilize this aether to move swiftly, and at levels of mastery, in bursts that defy following with the eyes. The training to master the Fourth Light is invaluable at this point.The expression of the Fifth is not always outward; one may use it in meditation to communicate one’s will within; especially to the other chakras, and even to one’s very physical form.A monk who has mastered the Fifth Light is a monk who is well on the way to mastering the self.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Fifth Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Sixth Light: Insight.The Sixth Light. It is the chakra of observation, insight and thought, feeding what it learns to the Fifth so that it may be declared to all. It is the seat of wisdom, though this wisdom must be honed through experience, learning and meditation. It is a chakra that has the potential to consume more than it produces, and in no small amount, for the cost of its full potential is great. It is also the chakra most inclined toward sensing.It rests upon the forehead, slightly above the point between the eyes, in an ideal spot to receive enlightenment from the legendary Seventh. At its most basic level of function, it allows one to see deeper into the ordinary; to read motions, body language, and be attentive to minor details that may usually escape one’s notice – such as a shift in the way leaves blow on a tree in the corner of one’s vision. This sight alone is a great boon to any monk, for insight into an opponent’s moves and motions is an advantage above most others. Be warned, that the ability to see is not coupled with the ability to react, so one must be properly trained in body to make full use of what the Sixth Light has to offer.At more advanced levels of function, the Sixth may grant one the very image of one’s chakras, and brief glimpses of the energy distributed about them. A monk properly trained in the Sixth may see open chakras like blazing beacons, and ones that have not yet opened as darkened moons. Beware extended use of such sight; for it comes at a great aetheric cost. One must know when and how to use it, lest one consume one’s stores and be reduced to a husk. It is also important to note that the Sixth may not grant extended or indefinite aetheric sight, though brief perception of the flow is possible.Indigo is its color, with no elemental aspect to its name. This unaspected quality allows it to draw from any and all sources in the body, which is as useful as it is dangerous.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Sixth Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Seventh Light: Connection.The highest known chakra of light, the seventh controls absolute state of connection to the spirit. While the wisdom from this connection is something gained through work and mastery of the sixth, the benefits of the opening are far greater than one would imagine. To have mastered six chakras affords one a great deal of hard-earned control. The seventh light is the ultimate manifestation of that control. One is granted the understanding of the flow within and without, and the insight to view it in all its beauty. The links among the ambient, the physical, the internal, the spiritual – all are laid bare on a blissful level.The chakra is situated directly atop the crown, at the very top of the head. From here it connects the physical, mental and spiritual from one seat. While it remains a chakra like any other in terms of access to a heavier aetherial flow, it comes with a higher understanding of those already under one’s control. The grasp of the sixth becomes stronger, and its detrimental effects of extended use reduced. The power of the fifth multiplies in potency and range – the voice becomes a thing of power. The fourth’s passion is not only bolstered, but controlled. The third’s will can be exacted over all other chakras at a different level. The filling of the second becomes a thing as easy as breathing. The first’s foundation becomes stronger. In this one, there are seven.At more advanced levels of function, it is said that one may utilise the connection to keep their spirit in the material plane – either after death, or as an image of oneself to train and leave wisdom for others. For more practical applications, one possessed of the seventh chakra can perform the most advanced form of monkhood’s most powerful technique to date: Final Heaven.Violet is its colour; its aspect is all, and it is none, essentially able to become what is needed, given the level of control it affords.So say the final writings of Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Seventh Light Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the First Shadow: Fear.The First Shadow’s lesson lies in mastering fear. Fear of death. Fear of life. Fear of others. Fear of the self. The fear is crippling if left unchecked. One must let the fear in. To fight the fear, or to refuse to acknowledge, it is to sabotage the focus. In letting the fear in, one will quickly realise that it is not a force meant to ravage one’s resolve, but to innoculate it against the corruption of panic. This is not a thing that is instantly learned; it takes meditation, experience, prayer and practice.A mirror to the First Light, this differently aspected chakra is the other side of the coin. The first in its order, it is located in the hip, and very much like its counterpart, is a drive for survival. Whereas the First Light grants survival by fortifying the self, the First Shadow ensures survival by enabling the destruction of all perceived threats. A proactive approach, rather than the reactive one of the First Light.Red is its color, and it will ensure that it is spilled from those who would seek to do one harm. To do so is to pay tribute to the earth, the element toward which it may be most inclined.Thus wrote Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the First Shadow Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Second Shadow: Anger.
Let none deny that there is strength in anger. The effectiveness of that strength depends on how the anger is processed and harnessed. The anger must be acknowledged and carefully indulged. The Second Shadow responds to this indulgence, but there must always be a measure of control. As with fear, the anger must be let in, but it must not be allowed to run rampant. A sharp distinction must be made between using anger as blind drive, and using it as a powerful fuel. Therein lies its mastery.
Seated in the thigh, the Second Shadow is a receptacle for the worldly energy drawn by the First, as well as a wellspring of unaspected aether. Anger may both fill it and provide the harness with which it can be directed. It may be released both gradually or all at once. To utilize it gradually bids a sustained period of enhanced strength. The duration of this period naturally depends on how well one has mastered the chakra. To unleash it all at once allows a burst of power that must be carefully managed during its brief release. Training and meditation are a must if one is to accomplish either result.Orange is its colour, influenced by the red of the First and the yellow of the Third.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Second Shadow Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Third Shadow: Jealousy.The Third Shadow is the eclipse of jealousy, covetousness, and possessiveness of all things, even things that do no not truly belong to one. Where in the light simple will serves as a driving force, in the shadow, ambition and drive are generated through competition and a need to place oneself higher than one’s peers. Lightning governs it, a force from above all.The Third Shadow dwells in the knees, and among the Shadows it holds a position of particular importance and potential peril. Once this chakra is open, to deny jealously overlong invites an imbalance – a stopgap that can range from simple discomfort to serious physical harm. To that effect, the Third Shadow must always be at least acknowledge and accepted, even though it is not necessary for one to act too selfishly or tactlessly upon one’s covetousness.To acknowledge jealousy and accept oneself as an envious person is to open oneself to the power it grants; activation of the muscles and senses. The stronger one is steeped in their passion to surpass, the more potent the chakra’s potential. To master this chakra is to find a balance between the acknowledgement of envy, the acceptance of envy, and the subsequent drive to remove the gap between one and what one covets. With mastery comes command over one’s aspect of lighting.Yellow is its color, a force on its own, unique from the rest, yet an influence to all those around it.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Third Shadow Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Fourth Shadow: Greed.The Fourth Shadow brings forth from the spirit a greedy state of being. It is not to be confused with the covetousness of the third; such covetousness is based on the material and immaterial possessions of others. The greed of the Fourth builds upon an instinct to climb and claw above all others by any means necessary. The temptation to deceive, to steal, to subvert – they boil strong within the firey heat of the Fourth Shadow.Greed is a strong drive in all men – and through that drive the Fourth Shadow provides an abundance of power to see one’s wants realised. It is in tempering and regulating the urges and ambitions of greed that one learns to harness and control this power.A novice in the Fourth shadow may find themselves upon the constant edge of a knife, balancing precariously above the temptation to give in and let their base urges claim what they will. It is a chakra that requires much meditation.Located in the calves, it sits at a threshold among the Shadow Chakras. Beyond the threshold lies the most difficult to master among them all. The power it grants is raw and potent – and without proper control may consume both the user and those surrounding in a conflagration fueled by ruthless wanting. To master this chakra is to acknowledge, accept, then bend one’s greed toward purpose – oft done through brilliant fire.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Fourth Shadow Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Fifth Shadow: Abandon.It takes a keen spirit to sense the distinction of the Fifth Shadow. It is a potent mixing pot for the previous four. Keep in mind; as the shadow seeks to climb, so does it also fall. Their energies leak down and mingle. For reasons unfathomable outside of meditation and introspection, the Fifth is a basin for all the fear, anger, insecurity and deceit that one must steep oneself in for the sake of this power. As a chakra however, it also possesses the potential of its own unique spiritual state. Or in this instance, a state where the spirit is forfeit.The Fifth Shadow opens up our animal nature in its fullest, through the promotion and indulgence in the shadows just above it. It is a powerful wellspring of endurance, though it is born of fear. It demands that we place ourselves above all men; let anger fuel the effort. Covet their place. Take it from them. Deceive them if needs be. Ware that this very animal nature is at the brink of a loss of one’s discretion and faculties. A careful balance and awareness must be maintained to avoid losing oneself. Killing will come across as an easy necessity. Every other being one sees will be a challenger to one’s existence. One will relish in suffering and become drunk on it if one is unable to remember that these things must be allowed to wash through, but not linger.The Fifth Shadow is beholden to no element, and is located in the ankles. It is one of the most difficult to master, and the one to which many have fallen. Much like the Fifth Light above, to master this chakra is an important trial in mastering the self.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Fifth Shadow Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The Lesson of the Sixth Shadow: Autocracy.In a way, the Sixth Shadow serves as preparation for the Seventh. The requirements of the Seventh Shadow are steep. It is a costly power, and mastering the Sixth provides ideal training. It rests in one’s feet, and is a seat entirely oriented around the self. All empathy and consideration toward others are forsaken here. It becomes such that there are no others that matter in the world save the self.Such may be considered an evil – but it is not so, even if the possibility exists. When in a state of only self consideration, one’s own view is all that matters. If one considers onself good, then it is so. If one considers oneself evil, then it is so. One decides – and the Sixth Shadow grants the power to actualize.The philosophy of the Sixth Shadow may seem harmful, and it is, if not applied with discretion. It is naught more but the most raw component of resolve, and must be tasted sparingly. Much like the other shadow chakras, such things that draw their power must be acknowledged, related to, and briefly experienced – but not kept in permanence.Very much like the Sixth Light, the Sixth Shadow has the potential to consume as much, if not more than it produces. Unlike the Sixth Light, however, it may not consume from itself, but from other chakras…even chakras not one’s own. Mastery of this chakra may grant the ability to temporarily disable or disrupt the chakras of another. The word ‘mastery’ is not used lightly here. Such a technique requires much training and control. At a more intermediate level, it is possible for the Sixth Shadow to consume ambient aether to fuel one’s flesh. As a result, the aether that this chakra deals with may be of any aspect, or no aspect.Extensive attention and consideration to one’s training is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that this seat of power does not become a detriment to all.So writes Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Sixth Shadow Chakra.

Viktor Harlenk

The lesson of the Seventh Shadow: Death.The lowest known chakra of shadow, the seventh is the very connection between the spiritual, the mental, and the basest of urges and instincts - murder. Surviving and thriving through the openings that come above it prepare one for the stark, absolute and unforgiving nature of this chakra. It is a disregard for life, a state of destruction for destruction’s sake. At a glance it may seem like everything one should avoid, and many things that monks are mistaken to be. However, the seventh shadow is both an ending and a beginning. To understand destruction, to truly become acquainted with it on the most spiritual level, one must understand and commune with it in an instinctual and intimate manner . It is why the mastery of the six chakras above it is absolutely vital. To open the seventh without a complete grasp of the others is to doom oneself to sin, damnation and death.The chakra is located at the soles of the feet, where one’s connection to the earth is strongest. Through the opening, control and understanding of this chakra, one is given a connection to those that sit above. To wrest control of and master the worst of one’s malice makes comprehensive work of the rest. The chakra functions as any other as a font of aether that not only multiplies those above, but comes with its own destructive force that defies reckoning.At advanced levels of function, it is said that this chakra grants one the ability to murder utterly – to remove the spirits of others in entirety and consume them for oneself. For more practical applications, a monk possessed of the seventh chakra can perform the most advanced form of monkhood’s most powerful technique to date: Final Heaven. Final Hell, for those who choose to make the distinction.Violet is its aura, dark and deep, aspected in all things, and yet in none, all for the purpose of pure destruction.So say the final writings of Berrod Armstrong, Fist of Rhalgr, regarding the Seventh Shadow Chakra.


Player Note:Hi there! I'm Berrod's player -- I go by Berrod online for the most part, so that name'll do. Thanks for visiting this page, I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen and read. If you have any questions about it -- or if you want to arrange a meeting between our characters, feel free to message me on Discord (Berrod#9532) or leave a message at If you're the emailing sort, you can even get me on [email protected].Personal RP Limits:I try to accommodate as much as I can when I roleplay, but everyone has limits. I ask only that my limits be respected, as well as any communication I offer on them. In turn I will do my utmost to respect and adhere to your own limitations. If it turns out that our roleplaying styles/stories/characters are not compatible -- that's fine! There's no hard feelings, and I would likely still very much like to hear about your character's adventures as well as offer tales of mine.■ I will play: Heck, almost anything! A friend, a rival, an enemy, even as far as a long-lost relative, though extensive discussion and planning needs to take place before that. I enjoy combat RP, from one on one to large scale combat events. Count me in! Whatever the combat system is, I'll likely adapt to it just so I can get in on the fun. I enjoy plots with intrigue as well, and would be more than happy to hop in on that stuff. If you need a Highlander NPC for placeholding/performance, feel free to contact me! I rarely shy from adult situations in roleplay so long as they are approached tastefully and with IC/OOC boundaries in mind. I'll add more as I think on!■ I won't play: The first no for me tends to be no godmoding/metagaming. It happens accidentally sometimes of course, and when it does I do my best to politely point it out via private messages. It's easy to work out a solution through mature and civil conversation. Character death is also no. Berrod is my baby, I want to keep playing him for as long as I play this game...or until I change my mind. Maiming is a maybe, barring some discussion. While I did say that I don't shy from adult situations, that doesn't mean I consider myself open to being solicited for roleplay of the sexual variety. There will be times when I communicate with another roleplayer and perhaps engage in a scene relevant to my character's plot and development, but I am not one for just doing that sort of thing just for the hell of it. Characters are welcome to solicit him in character of course; I expect players to deal with the results of that accordingly.DisclaimerJust a couple things for now. I'll add more as things become relevant.■ I am not my character. That's as simply as I can put it. Berrod Armstrong and all other characters I portray are all products of fictional writing within the FFXIV universe. The things my characters do and say do not necessarily reflect my own stances, opinions or choices of action. While I do my best to employ discretion to keep those exposed to my roleplay as comfortable as possible, I am very unlikely to change the very base of my characters to meet the demands of those who think the content of my roleplay does not appeal to them. In other words -- If something about my roleplay bothers someone, I will be mindful not to do it around them, but I will not change my character just because someone thinks I should.■ I am MORE than just my character. I am a person with a life (or at least I'd like to think so), and as much as I love it, roleplaying is not my top priority. I will do everything I can to accommodate those who wish to roleplay with me, but there will be times when I am unavailable, or engaged otherwise. I won't always be around to roleplay with you -- but that's where communication comes in.Potential Plot Hooks:Honestly, I'm completely open to a someone just approaching me and roleplaying to begin and establish a connection, but of course it's nice sometimes to have a hook to grab onto! I've got a few.■ Resident of Pearl Lane 3-5 years after the Calamity. If your character lived in Pearl Lane (Ul'Dah) at any point three to five years after the Calamity, that can serve as a way for them to have known Berrod, given that he lived there as well.■ Refugee in Southern Thanalan during the years leading up to the calamity. Berrod was a member of a refugee camp in Southern Thanalan -- it's simple enough to foster a connection with anyone else who experienced the same.■ A member of the Pugilist's Guild. Berrod is a member of the Pugilist's guild -- and the instructor of a class that runs two days a week. Whether your character is simply another member or someone who attends those classes...we can use either as a hook!■ A member of the newly reformed Fists of Rhalgr, under Widargelt Beake. Berrod had thrown in his lot with Widargelt's revival of the Fists of Rhalgr for a time. It's quite an easy hook if your character has done the same, or happens to be an independently training monk who at least knows of them.■ Adventurers, members of the Eorzean Alliance, and members of the Ala Mhigan Resistance situated in Rhalgr's Reach, Ala Gannha, Ala Ghiri during the Gyr Abanian campaign. Berrod decided to fight alongside the other factions during the push into Gyr Abania, despite Widargelt's abstinence from the conflict. He was also present during the battle in Ala Mhigo, helping clear the streets and causeways of Imperial fighters. An easy hook for characters who were also involved in any of that!■ Residents of the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Berrod spends quite a bit of time there helping out however he can. Characters who do the same, or live in the Ala Mhigan Quarter have an easy enough hook to work with.■ I'll add more as I think of them, but feel free to contact me and ask if there's anything unlisted you had in mind!Character Lore Adherence:Oh, this ever-so-sticky topic. I like to think of myself as lore-compliant (and some would laugh at that declaration). However, I enjoy taking some of the blank spots and extrapolating in order to flesh out the small corner of the world my character lives in. Of course sometimes I have to make little changes based on information that's released, but -- honestly I think that just drives the whole 'lore compliant' thing home. There are times when I apply more bombastic elements to what already exists in order to provide intense roleplay experiences in line with what a Final Fantasy universe should feel like -- but even during those moments I do my best to stay within the bounds of what has been provided. I do not view the lore as a cage -- and I never will. If there is something that can be made reasonably plausible by following certain threads in the lore, I tend to be up for it. Please note the use of the word REASONABLE. Granted, it's rather easy when the majority of what I do on Berrod is FIGHTIN'. If you wish to discuss any of this further with me, I'm open to being contacted.■ Changes/additions will be made as needed.